
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Mental Retardation

70. 55. 40. 25. These are the four degrees of psychic retardation. These numbers represent the severity of mental retardation in an individual. separately degree is categorized under Mild, Moderate, Severe and Profound. Severity Unspecified is besides a term utilize when thither is a strong stipulation of noetic Retardation but the standards test bottomnot conclude the severity therefore the persons intelligence is not sustained by the standard test. In diagnosing mental retardation, there must be terce criterions met a IQ below 70 and material limitations in two or more areas of adaptative behaviors.In example, communication, self help, kindly skills, self-directions, resources, functional academic skills, work, home living, health and safety (American Psychiatric Association. 2000). A more everyday symptom for an individual with mental retardation is adaptive functioning. A persons background is likewise taken into consideration during the test depth psychology soc ial cultural background, motivation and reading. Genetic screening takes place in front the child is born. There are a a few(prenominal) common tests that can help in diagnosing. Prenatal testing is offered to key any changes in the fetus.This testing is offered if there is a increase risks that the fetus will nurse a chromosomal or genetic disorder. However, this cannot detect all suffer disorders. Diagnostic testing is put into use when there is suspicion of a particular condition based on forcible signs and symptoms. Newborn screening is used right after birth to refer any genetic disorders (Undefined. 2013). Among children, the cause is usually unknown for one-third to half of cases (Daily, Ardringer, and Holmes. 2000). cordial Retardation is diagnosed onwards eigh young years of age.A few common causes of psychical Retardation are genetic conditions, problems during pregnancy, and problems at birth, exposure to toxins or diseases, and malnutrition. Genetic conditi ons can occur when genes are combined or the parents acquire abnormal genes. A fetus not developing properly in the womb can also lead to cordial Retardation. Problems at birth can lead to brain damage when a child is uneffective to get enough oxygen. Exposure to toxins and diseases such as lead, mercury or contracting whooping cough, measles or meningitis can cause mental disability.Malnutrition has also been a cause of reduced intelligence. Mild Mental Retardation used to be referred to as an educational category or educable. About cardinal five percent of individuals with Mental Retardation are diagnosed with Mild Mental Retardation. A typical individual can usually develop social and communication skills during his or her preschool years, zero to five years of age. Though they have minimal impairment in sensorimotor areas they are not a great deal distinguishable from other children until they have reached a later age.During their late teen years they have acquired academic skills equivalent to a sixth grader. amicable and vocational skills for minimal support are achieved during the their enceinte years. A few individuals may need supervision, assistance or guidance. This is more common during singular social or economic stress. However, as adults they have proven to be successful in the community under independent or superintend settings. Moderate mental retardation is referred to in the education category as trainable. This term is generally not used nor should be used since it implies that concourse with Moderate Mental Retardation do not benefit from an education program (American Psychiatric Association. 2000). Out of the entire population of people diagnosed with Mental Retardation, only ten percent are constituted as Moderate. pile diagnosed with Moderate Mental Retardation acquire communication skills early in childhood and often benefit from vocational training or assure supervision. Individuals with Moderate Mental Retardation are ab le to attend to their personalized care and have the capability to travel independently in acquainted(predicate) places.Training in social and occupational is beneficial, however persons diagnosed are unlikely to work up beyond the second grade level in academic subjects. During the childish years social conventions can interfere with peer relationships. In adult years, the individual is able to perform masterful or semi skilled tasks under minimal supervision in the general workforce. Persons with Moderate Mental Retardation adapt well to life in the community usually under supervision (American Psychiatric Association. 2000).Severe Mental Retardation occurs in terce to four percent of the population. The individual may learn little to no communication but can be trained to adapt to chief(a) skills. An extension in pre academic subjects is highly profited. This can lead to inform themselves with the alphabet, survival words and simple counting tasks. A person is adequate o f adapting well to life in the community unless another handicap is associated. adept percent to two percent is diagnosed with Profound Mental Retardation.A child who displays a considerable impairment in sensorimotor functioning is diagnosed with Profound Mental Retardation, however most are identified through with(predicate) neurological conditions story for Mental Retardation. High development can occur in a very structured environment of supervision and reoccurring aid. An individualized relationship betwixt the caregiver and diagnosed individual is best suited. Clinically, Mental Retardation is only a subtype of intellectual deficit a broader concept and includes intellectual deficits but are too mild to accurately pin point and qualify as Mental Retardation.In contrast, this can also be too specific (as in Specific Learning Disability) or something acquired later in life through acquired brain injuries or neurodegenerative disease like dementia. Intellectual deficits can shape up at any age unlike Mental Retardation, which is primarily diagnosed before the age of eighteen. However, Developmental Disability is a disability due to problems with maturation and development (Lawyer. 2010). The term Development Disability encompasses various congenital checkup conditions that are not related to mental or intellectual components, though it is at times used as a euphemism for Mental Retardation.

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